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Toddler & Two's Program 

The building blocks to our foundation at Word of Life starts here.
 We are the Terrific Toddlers & Two's!

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Toddler & 2 Year Old Program:  18 months-Age 2 yr.

Enrollment Forms

Our Toddler & Two’s program is filled with language and imagination.  Children at this age are learning at a very fast pace and exploring their environment.  We provide them the tools to understand all that is going on around them.

Toddlers & Two’s love to use their hands and at WOL we offer many sensory centers and hands-on activities.  Our curriculum is designed to build language skills and lay the foundation for early education.  We learn the alphabet from A-Z and the sound that each letter makes. Students will experience science projects, art, music, chapel, library, and the outdoor classroom. 

Our classroom is designed to give each child the space to explore and be an individual as well as work together with others in our sharing circles.  We teach our students about manners, kindness, and friends.  And we partner with our parents on potty training! 

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© 2017 by Word of Life Preschool.

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